Carly's February Blog!

Hello everybody! I don't know about you, but I'll be glad when Spring gets sprung and it warms up a bit! I love Spring - the colours that shoot up from the ground.....inspires me to get nice and bright and cheerful!
We had a fantastic week last week for half term - so many children visited us for crafty activities. The 'Fruity Fun' painting workshop and the 'Clay Cactus making' session were really popular, and some great creations are waiting to go in the kiln.
Mother's Day is just around the corner - we have got some lovely finished ware items to purchase - mugs, trinket boxes, coasters and tiles - some really pretty colours and patterns. We will be running our Pottery Painting with a Cream Tea at the Red Cone Coffee House next door to our studio over the Mother's Day weekend - £20pp, and we are taking booking for baby/toddler hand & footprints to capture some great keepsakes for Moms and Nans.
Work has now begun on the community project "Wordsley Together' mural! We are so excited to be leading this project, it has been a long time in the planning, and things are moving apace! Tiles have all now been prep'd and are ready to be taken out into the community to capture handprints. Saz will be busy in the coming days mapping out the design, and I have been squirreled away hand painting the logos from local businesses.
My new venture 'Bostin' Clay' is taking off - the miniature glass cones look like they are going to be a big hit, so I have been busily constructing. Saz is celebrating selling over 100 of her drizzle water bowls on Etsy! She's branching out into plant pots and brush pots, and also experimenting with different colour combinations to add to her rainbow collection.
Lots to do, lots to plan - especially with Easter coming up as well! Fun times!