Snail painting workshop
The only snail you'll be proud to have in your garden!

Paint your own sensational snail using our fantastic range of crystal glazes.
Our snails are slip cast in house and are suitable for outdoor* or indoor living! N.B. Our ceramic snails like to hibernate in winter months as they're not fans of frost!
Great for a quirky gift experience or just treat yourself to a crafty workshop; the results speak for themselves!
Please contact Saz to let her know what size of snail you'd like; small (£38), medium (£48.50) or large (£59). (Our booking schedule takes a small deposit of £5, which will be deducted from the balance of payment on the day of the workshop).
Workshop price includes a large choice of crystal glazes, full tuition, snails and firing fee. Your snail will be ready for collection in approximately 2 weeks' time.
Hot drinks are included and you may want to have a wander around our unique site afterwards, to visit our other talented artisans, museum and Cone gift shop!
Join us on for our set workshop, or if you want an exclusive party for yourself and 4 or more of your friends, please contact Saz to arrange a date and time.
2 hrs - Small: £38 Medium: £48.50 Large: £59