New Year, New You!
Well! Christmas was over in a flash, wasn't it?! And if you're anything like me, you'll be full of new year's resolutions, promising yourself that you're going to find more time to do the things you want to do... So, let's not make it a hollow promise, right? Have a look at my classes and workshops and book yourself one! What's a couple of hours here and there? You probably spend more time queueing in traffic a day!

Okay, so now you're feeling brilliant, cos you've committed yourself to a workshop, woohoo! How exciting! So why not share the love? You'll get extra brownie points if you make something for your mum/nan/auntie for Mother's Day, or maybe you can book them in with you and give them a gift experience? You're on fire!

Hold up! Aren't you forgetting something? What about your long suffering partner/husband/wife? Don't they deserve acknowledgment for allowing you this extra 'me time'? What about a romantic date with a twist for Valentine's Day? Forget the hearts and flowers; say it with a 'Ghost' experience! For one night only, we'll be playing host to a very special 2 hour 'Have a go' on the potter's wheel & pottery workshop. Pose like Demi & Patrick for a cheesy photo, make each other a coil pot and have fun getting dirty (not in a sexy way, mind!)

All this positivity is giving me a warm fuzzy glow. I saw some snowdrops the other day and it made me think 'Hoorah, we're over the worst of Winter!' January always gives me the blues, so it's good to have something to look forward to. Hopefully, I've given you something to think about. Spread the word; this year's gonna be amazing! See you soon!