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Carly's May Blogness!

Hello everyone! May! May is here already! We can hardly catch our breath! Easter seems like a distant memory, and it was super busy. Lots of children came to visit us in their school holidays, and a lot of fun was had!

This month we are busy in our cellar slip casting. We have oodles of shapes which we need to get cast and out on our shelves, so look out for new stock! With the weather warming up, expect lots of garden items to get you inspired!

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee will soon as upon us - we have plenty of activities themed around this, including takeaway craft kits, painting projects and even a great drawing competition. Get the kids drawing portraits of the Queen and send them into us - they might be lucky enough to be chosen to be transferred onto a large platter which will be displayed on site. Prizes of Jubilee keepsakes designed by us will be given out to the chosen ones!

We held our very first Pottery Throwdown at the start of this month, and it was a huge success! 5 ladies took part in making a nature door wreath within 3 hours. Saz got well into the part of Keith, she was actually welling up at times! Now we just have to see if they survive firing and then Saz will be judging the best one, who will be receiving a special prize! If you fancy a go, get yourselves booked in for Saturday 3rd July when the theme will be BBQ ware.

Another popular experience at the studio right now seems to be hen parties! We've had 2 recently - one group decided on pottery painting, whilst the other party got stuck in with making Harry Potter themed clay items. Lots of sorting hats! If you want a party with a difference, give Saz a call on 07966 514766 and we'll do our best to come up with something to remember!


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