Carly's January 'New Year' Blogness!

We made it to a new year! Hurrah! December was a complete blur.....we have honestly never been so busy. The last 2 weeks before Christmas were pretty full on for us - lot's of people wanting to try out the potter's wheels (I think the need for them to have a moment away from shopping and Christmas chaos led them to our door!) and pottery painting was off the scale! I don't think our kilns have ever had so many Santa's and Reindeers passing through their depths!
After a well deserved break and rest over the Christmas holiday, we have come back refreshed and ready for action! The studio has been blitzed, with Christmas stock packed away for another year, and lots of new items out on the shelves. We have a great selection of homeware items, oodles of money boxes and trinket pots, and a zoo full of animal shapes. Themed displays have been laid out, with Valentine's and Mother's Day added to our Mindfulness, Black Country and Zentangle ranges.
Examples of workshop packages are out on display too! Over the coming months we shall be running courses in zentangle platters, fairy houses (both clay building and painting), handprint bowls, fruit bowl painting, snail painting and continuing with our popular potter's wheel experience. Full details will be published shortly, but our Painting & Prosecco evenings will continue to be held on the first Wednesday of every month, the first one being 2nd February 7-9pm, so get booking your place!
Behind the scenes, myself and Saz are working on a BIG project. We can't reveal too many details as yet, as planning is still on-going, but let's just say it's going to be great for bringing a community together....