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October Half Term All Treats No Tricks

Wondering what to do over Half Term? Wonder no longer! We've got all sorts of activities happening at the Cone, so why not make a morning or an afternoon of it!

Saturday 26th October: Marks the opening of the Made @ The Cone cooperative's exhibition in the Showcase Gallery. Pop in to find out what courses and workshops we've got on offer for you, and perhaps pick up some ideas for bespoke handcrafted Christmas gifts or pressies for special occasions.

Meanwhile, in Saz's Ceramics, we have a new club starting up aimed specifically at teenagers who want to develop their artistic abilities further. This 2 hour workshop starts from 10.30am, and will introduce you to a wide range of Art Movements and well known artists. Each week, you'll be painting an 8" tile in the style of a given artist, so that you'll have a collection which you can mount as pieces of your own artwork or make unique gifts for others! The workshop is bookable by phone and costs £10 per person, which includes all materials, full guidance, firing and light refreshments.

And that's just Saturday Morning!

Saturday afternoon it's our regular Saturday Drop in Decopatch taster session. For £5 per person, choose from a large range of wooden & cardboard items and decorate them with our extensive range of Decopatch papers. You can also buy individual papers and items to take away as crafty kits! Prices start from just 50 pence for half a sheet of paper!

On Sunday, another Drop In taster session with an exciting new development: Clay Play Day. At just £5 per person, you can choose to make anything you like out of a 1lb weight of clay, using our tools and rubber stamps. Or... have a go on our BRAND NEW table top Potters Wheel and learn how to 'throw' a pot! It's airdrying clay, but if you want your masterpieces fired it's an extra £1, and you can always come back to paint up your work at a later date.

Moving on to Monday morning, it's Drop In for Fabric Fun, and with Hallowe'en being on everyone's mind, why not create a spooky t-shirt, bunting or bag? Please note that the studio will close at lunch time for a private party.

Tuesday it's Pebble painting with acrylics and Funky Foam Clay. Could you be painting evil minions from Despicable Me 2, ghosties, spiders or skulls? You decide! Just drop in any time between 10 and 4.

WEDNESDAY closed for a little lie down in a darkened room. I suggest you all do this!

Thursday it's CLAY DAY! This is the one I've been looking forward to as it's my opportunity to 'show and tell'. I've made a prototype Day of the Dead Skull Mug.

I know!

It just doesn't get any better than that, guys! You're gonna love it! PLEASE book this in advance, cos it's limited spaces and I need to prepare the skulls beforehand. (Never thought I'd have to write that in a sentence!) Sessions start at 11am and 2pm. What are you waiting for?!

And finally,'s mosaic day chez nous. Come and decorate a tile to make into a funky coaster. This absorbing art form is really addictive once you start!

All of the above taster crafts are just £5 per person and are suitable for adults and children alike.

And of course, if you don't fancy doing any of these, you can always paint pottery instead,; we've loads of new shapes in stock, including Hallowe'en shapes and Christmassy pieces to get you all inspired.

Hope that's given you food for thought?! See you soon, Saz x

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Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY8 4AZ.
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(Dudley M.B.C.) School Holiday Opening Hours: 

Monday to Saturday 11am - 4pm (half terms).

Tuesday to Saturday 11am - 4pm (Easter and Summer Holidays).

Selected Sundays 11am - 4pm for bookings only.

(Dudley M.B.C.) School Term times:


Tuesday and Saturday 11am - 4pm.

Wednesdays, Fridays and selected Sundays 11am -4pm by bookings only.

© 2017 Sarah Cannings

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